Very hard route, with a height difference of 1,400 m in only 27 km. The whole route passes through the lands of Arantza and the 4 neighbourhoods of the town.

After going across the first 1.5 km downhill, the next ones are harder. First of all, we will climb to the top of Itsaszelaieta (500 m), and there, following a concrete and stone track that goes to the left, we will arrive to Amekurrun (660 m).

From there, we will go into a beech forest and we will go across a very steep path towards Ollargarata (640 m). In the path we will find a lot of stones and branches but it will be worth it. From Ollargarata, we will go up again following a track to Soragata (750 m). Then, a long but easy descent awaits us before we reach Beratsakun (240 m). There, we will follow a stone track and after passing the Egusuta Farmhouse, we will reach the peak of Pilotasoro (600 m).

From there, we will follow a grassy path and descend to Senberrokoborda (450 m) to follow again a track and then a grassy path from where we will climb to the top of Zepuru (725 m). There, we will begin the last technical but beautiful descent to the town of Arantza (272 m).





27,04 km.

Very difficult


1.408 m.